
Tunkofest 2011

Went to El Tunco with my friends yesterday night,. (they stayed over I came back, I have work to do). Now there's a place that has change throughout the years. Wish I could've enjoyed it farther than my head lets me. Just like I was wishing that rock band polluting the night's air to shut the hell up. No point in going to El Tunco and sitting next to so much noise,. Might as well stayed home a wore protection ear muffs while we drank. But moving my view aside of some meaningless things. It was good to see my friends all in one place. Rare opportunities for us to be in one place will sadly become scarce. So well then I stayed with them as far as it was possible but the time came I had to leave. I thought coming back from El Tunco was going to be challenging (due to my anxiety kicking in like a bat out of hell just as if it bothers me whenever it's bored and wants me to amuse its witty self,.) It was a great ride though, The only thing I remember thinking was, "Man this rode is not so bad, people should really stop racing these streets,..". Oh well,. got home 30 minutes later, I messaged my babygirl, who has been working really hard on her assignment for class. Such a beautiful girl, such an admiration, like no other. Love you baby,. After that message I sent her, I fell asleep like a rock. And now,. I gotta get ready for work,. Well then, take care.

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