
Los Puentes del Condado de Sivar

Chat made @ 10.44pm,. after the ordeal happened,. To bad I forgot my camera in the car. I really did not want to write the whole story again,. so in celebration to hueva and being efficient we saved the chat instead,.

Los Puentes del Condado de Sivar

.#Double Echs,.,. says:

hey dude
i got a story
·#K®¤ïtzê® says:
lemme hear it
.#Double Echs,.,. says:
read it
·#K®¤ïtzê® says:
send it right away
.#Double Echs,.,. says:
tengo hueva
thing is,. its a true story,.
·#K®¤ïtzê® says:
haha OMG that shit is even more contagious than h1r1
fucking hueva
.#Double Echs,.,. says:
·#K®¤ïtzê® says:
No shit? Cool!
how true? 100%
.#Double Echs,.,. says:
and is fresh out of real life
out of the real life oven
i happened 15 minutes ago
·#K®¤ïtzê® says:
no way
.#Double Echs,.,. says:
here it is,.
·#K®¤ïtzê® says:
.#Double Echs,.,. says:
I get out of work @ 10.00pm,. Grab my things on my cube, close up my stuff,. take the elevator up on one building,. and then the elevator to the basement on the next building. got to the parking lot. got in the car, started the car up, changed the CD to a miscellaneous chillout song. then got out of the building. passed by la auxiliadora,. crossed to the right on the selectos,.
got to the stoplight at the top of the street, waited there for a few seconds, thinking about life and my current action plans. all the stuff i gotta do.
·#K®¤ïtzê® says:
.#Double Echs,.,. says:
the light went green, so the little pack of cars that had bundled up started its caravan up the road,. we passed the bridge, and just as we are passing the bridge, i see this figure of a girl sitting in the handrails,. of the bridge
this was very very akward seeing as though, you see a girl dressed in completely normal clothing in a bridge @ 10:00pm,. its just not normal (in this country at least),. so i thought,. damn,. that girl is having mayor issues,. yet,. i still took my course home,. minutes into the drive i was like,. what if she tries to jump?
·#K®¤ïtzê® says:
.#Double Echs,.,. says:
and what if i didnt help her in any way possible even if it was only words of encouragement to live and see another day. so that burnt into my concious bad
i turned the car around
·#K®¤ïtzê® says:
.#Double Echs,.,. says:
i got back to the bridge,. and she was still there,. but i couldnt leave the car there so i left it a bit past the bridge,. as i found my spot, got out of the car,. i was wondering,. well, damn shes gonna feel this pretty damn akward cause,. what am i really gonna say to her,. "get off that handrail",. or,. "go home",. or, "hey whats up,.. the fuck is wrong with you!?,."
so im making my way on the darkness before getting to the bridge,. when i see people running frantically across the bridge,. my first thought was,. fuck I was late,.
·#K®¤ïtzê® says:
.#Double Echs,.,. says:
the crowd consisted of a few teenagers that were supposed to be friends of the girl,.
·#K®¤ïtzê® says:
i c
.#Double Echs,.,. says:
if got closer and i could see a person laying next to the hand rails,.
now,. what happened was this,. the girl was goinna jump,. she paniced just before she did,. and the moment she paniced sitting in the rails thinking about to jump,. she passed out,. and fell back instead of fordward,.
·#K®¤ïtzê® says:
Whoa... good thing
.#Double Echs,.,. says:
she laid in the ground,. and they called her mom
the woman comes freaking out saying, saying "my baby, or some sort".,..
everyone is wondering wut to do,. the police come,.
im just standing there observing the whole scene developing,.
the cop got real close to her and says,. damn,. this girl is alive,. and shes really really drunk,.
·#K®¤ïtzê® says:
.#Double Echs,.,. says:
everyone almost at the same time gave off a monotone,. oh,. -.- (no wonder)
·#K®¤ïtzê® says:
.#Double Echs,.,. says:
then the woman says,.
wait a minute,. thats not my daughter,. i dont know this girl
·#K®¤ïtzê® says:
.#Double Echs,.,. says:
and then the teenagers go,. "fock,. this is not our friend",.
"what the fock she looked different on dimmed light",.
all of a sudden she moved,.
then she woke up,.
gets up and looks around stranged that there was people and police around her,.
then she says,... what?
·#K®¤ïtzê® says:
.#Double Echs,.,. says:
now the voice took everyone in shock,. i mean everyone went,. WTF,.
it was a dude,.
everyone went faaaaaack,.
·#K®¤ïtzê® says:
.#Double Echs,.,. says:
so he gets up
·#K®¤ïtzê® says:
that means that their friend was butt ugly
.#Double Echs,.,. says:
hold up
he gets up,. starts walking away and pushes a police dude aside, and says, "move",. so everyone is just strangely staring at this dude,. everyone with mixed emotions about saving their, daughter, savin their friend, saving this stranger, but no a drunk dude,. anyways a cp runs after him and tries to stop him while,. hes more intelligent partner says,. "fock that,. let him go",
so the cop comes back,. as he is coming back the more intelligent cop says,. "vos abrazarlo querias",. everyone laughed at the other cop and then everyone went their own way,.
·#K®¤ïtzê® says:
.#Double Echs,.,. says:
isnt that a story
its funny,.
dark in the begging
and major twists and turns
·#K®¤ïtzê® says:
fuck yah
.#Double Echs,.,. says:
we just need a sissyfied dude willing to dress like a girl,.
·#K®¤ïtzê® says:
my actor in 001. he's not a sissy but he is insane ! I'll ask him. how about the cops?
.#Double Echs,.,. says:
we need a cast of total 10
let me list them
·#K®¤ïtzê® says:
1 gay
1 main freind
pobably 2 other friends
2 cops
1 mother
.#Double Echs,.,. says:
the girldude ///
the mom ///
2 dudes 2 girls - The friends ///
4 cops
·#K®¤ïtzê® says:
.#Double Echs,.,. says:
iwas thinking though
to make it harder for the viewer,.
·#K®¤ïtzê® says:
.#Double Echs,.,. says:
to use a girl no the bridge first and the dude only when he actually awakes,.
cuz that way people dont guess the ending
·#K®¤ïtzê® says:
yaaaah that would rock
to actually give the look
.#Double Echs,.,. says:
so we mess with the viewer just as everyone got messed there
·#K®¤ïtzê® says:
i was just thinking
we treat this like a comedy
hahahaha it starts pretty dark indeed hahahahaa
.#Double Echs,.,. says:
yeah,. i say it strangely becomes a dark comedy just when the mom looks at her funny and says thats not my daugther
but prior to that
has to be dark and especulative and give you the what the fuck is going on feeling,.
·#K®¤ïtzê® says:
awsome story man
.#Double Echs,.,. says:
yah brought to you by,.
·#K®¤ïtzê® says:
at the begning i thought you were a hero
.#Double Echs,.,. says:
haha,. nah man it was me as a human being throughout all of it,.
except when i started to laugh when the cop told his partner,. "vos abrazarlo querias",.
man i had never pointed and laughed at a cop like that in my life,.
it was an awsome experience,.
·#K®¤ïtzê® says:
duuuude we need 3 things for this movie to happen and I think i can get 2 of them, but maybe i just have an idea to have the 3
.#Double Echs,.,. says:
tell me
·#K®¤ïtzê® says:
1) a dude that wants to dress like a chick
2) to uniforms for the cops (I have a friend that makes cosplays. all i need is to giver her the tela)
3) police lights. It can be 2 reflectors with papel china. One with blue and one with red
what do you think?
.#Double Echs,.,. says:
yeah,. except for number one,. i think that'll be more like,. a dude WILLING to dress like a chick,.
·#K®¤ïtzê® says:
can you get a wig xD?
.#Double Echs,.,. says:
well,. just to finish the story,. imagine man,. the mom and friends basically told that girl she is Ugly,. and or she looks like a dude,.
·#K®¤ïtzê® says:
hahahaha yaaah
that's the first thing that went through my head
and what face did the dumb cop make when
his partner told him que lo queria abrazar ?
.#Double Echs,.,. says:
damn,. im posting the whole conversation,. que hueva write this again,.
·#K®¤ïtzê® says:
the ahuevado face or the "WTF! nooo" face?
.#Double Echs,.,. says:
he was running back,. laughing like a dork,.
·#K®¤ïtzê® says:

1 comment:

K said...

that's funny shiiieeee indeed...couldnt talk to the customer while reading it, couldnt stop laughing,.,Im really wondering how that girl looks like to have been confused with a drunk man...lil' tiny baby fucking bjesus!!!!! jajajajaja