
Moving right along,.

Never consistent,. I know,.

But here we are,. are we not?

Nine months have passed sine we started this year off and it has not been smooth sailing, to say the least. However, I have to acknowledge that things have slowly gotten better after I left some people behind. Toxic people, can really have a bad effect in our daily life and the road we are bound to take.

A huge problem I have is that it is hard for me to say no to someone. I tend to drag issues along because it is hard for me to let go of someone or accept the fact something cannot be fixed. But lately I've gotten really good at that. Just letting the hammer fall, wherever that may lead to.

So basically lately I've been focusing on what matters. Work, Debts and Family.

Paying off my past ill decision and trying to help my parents who need me more than ever. So it feels good to help my dad with what I can do.

So in turn I have also been saving so that I can gear up to do some traveling and fixing up my car. So we are moving forward slowly.

I need to get back to the Gym though, I've gained 10 pounds due to my recent sedentary lifestyle. n_n

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