
fade to deep red velvet

My legs feel numb,. must be the constant focus I've been giving them lately. It is a fairly new type of feeling, for reasons of realization that I had fallen off the wagon. And by wagon I mean the fact I no longer was doing anything to better my health. A rotten vicious cycle that perpetuates evil hidden deeds within your life's everyday grind. Sitting in the dark with the board of keys in my hand. Freely to expose the mind and it's unwithering vision, the evergreen memories of a dreamer's alluring although deviated perception of his own reality.

I sit here,. fighting my own demons,. conspiring with an angel and a devil. Trying to make sense of the evidence that despite I let myself go. Nothing was where it had to be. My Mind, My Soul, My Principles,.,. My Attitude, My Code, My Conduct,. All was down in the pits. lost in shambles, concealed by chasm of obscured reasoning.

For all the darkness there is light, for all evil there is good, for all the negative a positive also exists. The road I've taken through the letters, words & sentences I placed in here today. I do so to end in this location, this green grassy field where a lone sequoia firmly stands,. on its trunk, etched deep within the bark,. a message states; "I still believe, through this pain I word my own battle cry, I will not be forgotten";,.


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